
Week 3-4 />

Week 3-4 />

Hello again :)

🌟 Week 3–4 Progress

✨ The Story So Far:

The past two weeks have been pretty packed — mid-semester exams were in full swing, and balancing that with project work was a bit tricky. Finding time to focus on both wasn’t easy, but somehow things started to fall into place.

I made solid progress with the Game Board design, though it took a few iterations to get it right. Got some helpful feedback from my mentor, Benson, which pushed me to refine the layout and improve the overall flow. Connecting the backend with QML was a challenge, but once it clicked, things started coming together nicely.

✅ Achievements:

  • Designed the Game Board UI using Kirigami and QML.
  • Connected the backend to QML.
  • Successfully implemented two variants:
    • Bohenspiel
    • Oware

Initial Board Design
Initial design of the game board.

🚧 Challenges:

  • Faced difficulties with the initial game board design. Issues with Board Design
    Initial design of the game board.

  • Got valuable feedback from Benson and made adjustments.
  • Redesigned the Board to better adjust with varying window width. Final Board Design

  • Troubleshooting the backend connection with QML was tricky but rewarding!
  • Changed the flow of the game logic to better fit the QML structure. Landing PageMain MenuGame VariantVariant RulesPlay GameGame End

Backend connection working with QML.

🛣️ Next Steps:

  • Add support for additional game variants.

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.