
Week 2 />

Week 2 />

Hello again :)

This is week 2 of my Sok journey so far

Kirigami Setup

This week, I started with following up on a Kirigami tutorial.

I followed the official Kirigami documentation.

Desktop View

Progress This Week


My goal for this week was to start tweaking the UI in the Main QML, build a landing page, and then proceed to the Main Menu and other sections.

Changes & Challenges

  1. Mentor’s Recommendation:
    • Benson Muite suggested that I create a separate project to first experiment with UI changes before modifying the main project.
    • Based on this, I started working on a (Mankala-GUI) to focus on UI implementation separately.
  2. Kirigami Tutorial & Setup:
    • Followed the Kirigami tutorial to understand Kirigami components and structure.
    • Learned how to create a basic Kirigami window and experimented with different UI elements.Created a demo KountDown app.
  3. Challenges Faced & Solutions:
    • CMake Issues: Initially, adding find_package(KF6Kirigami2 REQUIRED) in CMakeLists.txt was tricky as I faced missing dependency errors. -I faced build issues after this action , My objective was to start making UI changes in the main QML file and then change different qml files seperatley as I progress .
    • QML Migration Issues: Attempted to replace ApplicationWindow with Kirigami.ApplicationWindow in my main QML file, but the build failed.
    • Merge Request for Review: I created a Merge Request (MR) .
  4. Mankala-GUI Implementation:
    • Created a landing page with a simple layout and navigation.

Desktop View

  • Designed an About Page containing game details and credits. Desktop View
  • Built a Main Menu Page with options to navigate through the app. Desktop View
  • Added a pop up to choose options from the menu.
  • HUMAN VS MCTF Desktop View

Next Steps

  • Improve the landing Page later ,which is plain image in background with a button,simultaneously making certain refinements in other pages .
  • Implement the game board design and functionality.

  • Gather more feedback from mentors and make necessary adjustments.
This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.